Terms and Conditions

This document regulates the use and access to the mobile application and website called “UNITII” (hereinafter referred to as “The Platform”), owned by “AZTEK APPS S.A. de C.V.” Any person who wishes to access or use The Platform must comply with the provisions set forth herein without exception and is subject to the conditions established in this document, as well as to the consequences and the Privacy Notice, which is also available on the aforementioned website.


The purpose of this document is to regulate access to and the use of The Platform, including any service or product available to its users. Public access to The Platform is unrestricted. However, in order to fully use The Platform and access all the features it offers, the User must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old, for which the User will be required to provide a photograph of a valid official identification.
  • Provide the requested information to ensure personalized service.
  • Upload a photograph of the User.
  • Accept and declare that the User will make proper use of The Platform and will not engage in any illegal activities.

If the User provides any false or inaccurate information, or if the company’s staff determines that there are justified reasons to deny access and registration to The Platform, they are authorized to do so.


This Terms and Conditions document governs the use of the Platform and establishes the guidelines for user behavior and access, whether for obtaining information or connecting with other Users on the Platform.

Unitii: Refers to the Platform, but also encompasses the Platform as a whole, its owning company AZTEK APPS, S.A. DE C.V., its affiliated and subsidiary companies, employees, directors, and any other related parties. It also includes the registered trademark "UNITII," its design, and other intellectual property rights.

User: Any individual or legal entity that accesses the Platform and provides the required information to use the Platform's full features and services.

Platform: Refers to the "Unitii" mobile application, as well as the website __________ and/or __________, including all related sites owned and operated by AZTEK APPS, S.A. DE C.V., along with all content displayed within.

Connections: The relationships automatically generated by Unitii when determining that two or more Users share interests in business, entrepreneurship, work, consulting, or any other opportunity that Users publish on their profiles.

Token/Virtual Currency: Refers to virtual assets granted for internal use only to Users in exchange for payments made by them.


Users who access the Platform, in accordance with the Access section of these Terms and Conditions, provide their implicit consent by submitting the required information to create an account. It is understood that these Terms and Conditions are available at all times through the Platform for review, and it is the User's responsibility to read them before starting to use the Platform.


Unitii can be accessed through the website: ________, by downloading the mobile app via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. These terms and conditions will be available in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store for review by the User. The user is responsible for any internet or cellular data charges that may be incurred due to downloading or using the Platform, as well as any additional charges from their internet provider related to the download or use of the Platform. Aztek Apps, S.A. de C.V. may, at any time, perform maintenance work on the Platform, and the User accepts and acknowledges that there may be times when access to the Platform will be unavailable, and hereby releases Aztek Apps, S.A. de C.V. from any responsibility in this regard. In this same context, the User agrees that the Platform may experience technical issues beyond Aztek Apps, S.A. de C.V.'s control, which could result in the total or partial loss of User data and/or tokens within the Platform. In such cases, the User releases Aztek Apps, S.A. de C.V. from any responsibility, as well as in situations where the User is unable to access the Platform due to technical failures or any other situation that prevents or limits access, and releases Aztek Apps, S.A. de C.V. from any liability. In order to access the full Platform and all the features it offers, the User must create a profile on the Platform, agreeing to provide all the information requested for profile creation, as well as granting access to the required functions of the User’s mobile device. Additionally, the User agrees that "Unitii" may, at any time, perform an external search of the User in credit bureaus, judicial bulletins from the Judicial Branch, or any other external source that "Unitii" deems appropriate for the security of the Platform and other Users. The User may also access the Platform or link their profile to social networks external to Aztek, such as Facebook, Instagram, X, or any others, understanding that by doing so, the User is solely responsible for the information provided or obtained directly from these third-party companies. For profile creation, each User will be asked to provide personal and professional information (See Privacy Notice LINK). The Platform will inform the User of the type of information that will be public and accessible to all Users, as well as the information that will remain private, which will only be accessible to Unitii personnel for the purpose of feeding the artificial intelligence to establish connections, and the User will have access to this information. The User agrees that the information designated as public may be viewed by all Users of the Platform and releases Unitii from any responsibility for any information published, whether voluntarily or by error, in the public information section.


The User agrees through this document that the Platform


The way Unitii works is that Users will create a profile where other Users can access and view the public information that each User designates for such purposes. The User will have access to search functions via artificial intelligence at all times. These searches generate a token cost, which will be determined based on the number of interactions the User has with the artificial intelligence. Interactions with the artificial intelligence are used for the User to describe the type of opportunity they have to offer or the services, products, and/or connections they require. The User is solely responsible for providing a detailed description of what they are looking for or need within the artificial intelligence. If the description provided by the User is unclear and the artificial intelligence cannot detect what the User requires due to poor wording, and tokens are deducted from the User for that search, Unitii will not be responsible and will not provide any response or refund in such cases. Once the User has entered all the information about what they are searching for into the artificial intelligence, it will perform a search across all Unitii profiles to find the connections that the User needs. Once the results are generated, they will be shared with the User, who can then decide which other Users they wish to connect with. To make these connections, the User who initiated the search must send a connection request, which the receiving User can either accept or reject. If the receiving User accepts the connection request, each of the searches made will generate a token cost, which will be determined independently and specifically for each search depending on the amount of information the User provides. If the User does not have enough tokens to perform the search, they will be notified accordingly. Once the User accepts the connection request, both Users will be directed to a section to have a private conversation where they can share more details about their needs and opportunities. Unitii will not have any control or supervision over the conversations held between Users within the private conversation section. Therefore, each User is fully responsible for the information they share in these conversations. Users will have the option to share their contact details via the private conversation within Unitii to be able to contact each other outside of Unitii. Users who obtain contact details through the Platform understand that doing so is at their own responsibility and release Unitii from any responsibility once contact is made outside of the Platform. Through this, the User releases AZTEK APPS, S.A. de C.V., its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, shareholders, employees, or any person associated with it from any incidents, accidents, events, or occurrences that may happen while using the Platform. It is understood that the use of the Platform is the sole responsibility of the User, and any relationship formed between Users through Unitii is their complete responsibility. If any business, job, or connection does not turn out as expected, Unitii will not be held responsible under any circumstances, and the Users release Unitii from any liability in such situations. Once the Users have made the connection, they will have the possibility to rate the other User. These ratings will be public for all other Users. If a User receives three negative ratings, Unitii may review their profile and conduct an investigation to determine whether to block and/or delete the profile for the safety of other Users.


The way "Unitii" makes connections is through an artificial intelligence algorithm where each User must describe in detail what they are looking for in the connection, understanding that if the User is not clear with the information entered into the artificial intelligence, Unitii will not be responsible for the tokens used for each query. The User agrees that the artificial intelligence will have access to the public information as well as the private information of each User in addition to the information that the User shares during their search, but this should not be understood as the artificial intelligence sharing their private information with other Users. The User agrees by this means and releases Unitii from any responsibility in the event that the artificial intelligence may have flaws and does not carry out the proper connections at all times. If this happens and tokens are deducted from the User, the User may request clarification so that Unitii staff can determine whether the artificial intelligence had a failure in finding connections or if the User did not express the information clearly. If Unitii staff determines that the artificial intelligence had an error, a refund of the tokens deducted from the User may be made. By this means, the User agrees and acknowledges that their information will be processed by artificial intelligence managed by Unitii but not owned by Unitii, as it previously acquired a license to use it. Therefore, any information shared by the User with the artificial intelligence may be viewed by Unitii staff and, in some cases, may be reviewed by the owner of the license granted to Unitii.


The Platform will have the option to make internal purchases using real money in exchange for tokens/virtual coins. Payments will be processed through third-party companies, so when the User agrees to make a payment and proceed with it, the User acknowledges and agrees that Aztek Apps, S.A. de C.V. is not responsible for any situation that may arise when managing payments through such third-party platform.


As mentioned in the Payments section, the User will be able to purchase virtual coins or subscribe to memberships using real money as per the process described above.


Virtual coins may be represented as coins, tokens, and/or any other form of money representation considered within the Platform. Once these virtual coins are acquired through the payment process, the User acknowledges and agrees that they will lose any real value and cannot be considered as real money outside of the Platform. This means they will have no real value and can only be used to gain access to various campaigns or rooms for all the benefits included in the Platform. The User must pay the tokens required by the Platform to perform the activities they attempt to do within it. If the User does not pay the required tokens, they will not be able to access the feature that requires payment. The User may, in addition to the tokens automatically provided within their membership, purchase additional tokens in the store within the Platform, understanding that the User must be aware of the limit set for these effects within their membership. For the use of tokens within the Platform, the tokens independently acquired will be deducted first, followed by those provided through their membership. Virtual coins cannot be redeemed for real money by the User, nor can the User request a refund for any virtual coins they have within the Platform. If the User does not use the virtual coins, it is their responsibility. The User agrees and acknowledges that they do not own the virtual coins referred to here, they only have a temporary license to use them. Once used, they will no longer be the owner of the coins. Virtual coins will be valid for 1 year in the case of User inactivity, meaning that 1 year will begin to count from the last day of activity. If the User is inactive for that period, the virtual coins in their account will be deducted.


The Platform will offer the User a series of various memberships that the User may subscribe to and receive the benefits detailed in them. The characteristics and specifications of each membership and the types of memberships available in the Platform will be detailed.

The tokens allocated within each membership that the User subscribes to will be renewed every monthly billing period in accordance with the User's subscription. If the User exhausts the tokens provided within their membership, they must either purchase additional tokens or wait for them to be automatically renewed during the next billing period. The tokens granted to each User within their membership may be modified without prior authorization from the Users. In the case of the limit set on the number of tokens a User can have within their membership, the User agrees that they will not be able to acquire more tokens than the limit established for that membership. If the User wants to acquire more tokens than their membership allows, they may lose any tokens that exceed the pre-established limit. The established limits may be modified without prior authorization from the Users. If the User cancels their membership or subscription, they will not be refunded any amount. Their membership will remain valid for the duration of the billing period until the end of that period, at which point they will lose all unused benefits and/or tokens within the account. In the case that a User modifies their plan, whether by increasing or decreasing it, the User will be presented with an automatic calculation of the payment they will need to make, taking into account previous payments as well as future payments. The User must authorize and provide the required information in order for their selected membership subscription to automatically renew. To do so, they must set up a recurring payment method. If they do not accept this, the User acknowledges the consequences this may cause, which may include, but are not limited to, the refusal of subscription.


Aztek Apps, S.A de C.V will take all reasonable measures to ensure the security and protection of Users within the Platform. However, we are not responsible for nor do we guarantee any violations on the Platforms, stolen information, or any harm to Users. We will not respond, compensate, or refund Users for any error or inaccuracy in the information provided on the Platforms, understanding that much of the information provided is completely fictitious and should not be considered as real nor applied to real life; we will not respond, compensate, or refund in case of any loss, damage, injury, or personal harm resulting from accessing the Platforms; we will not respond, compensate, or refund for any virus or error that may be transmitted upon accessing the Platforms. User access to the Platforms should be understood as being at their own responsibility, discretion, and risk, releasing Unitii from any responsibility that the User may consider for accessing the Platforms.


By accepting this and providing the requested information and acquiring products, the User declares that:

  • They have full legal capacity to use the Platform and acquire the services they wish.
  • They release AZTEK APPS, S.A. DE C.V from any legal responsibility for the situations mentioned herein or any other that may arise outside of their responsibility.
  • They will not misuse the services acquired from AZTEK APPS, S.A. DE C.V and/or the Platform to the detriment of the latter.
  • They will not use the Platform or the connections generated for illegal purposes.


The User commits, in general, to use their profile within the Platform correctly and responsibly, subject to the applicable current legislation in Mexican territory; in case of violating any rule, the User may be referred to the relevant authorities or accused of the violation committed.

They commit, by way of example but not limitation, to the following:

  • Not to use the Platform for illegal purposes.
  • Not to infringe upon the intellectual property rights belonging to AZTEK APPS, S.A. DE C.V. or any service provider operating through the Platform.
  • Not to use the Platform fraudulently.
  • Any activity considered against the rules of use or good customs may be sanctioned by the competent authorities, and the offender may be reported by AZTEK APPS, S.A. DE C.V. staff or any worker at the service facilities.

Any User may report illegal acts committed by any person, whether a User, worker, etc., within the facilities or on the Platform.


Users accept, acknowledge, and agree that they must always conduct themselves with respect and honesty towards Unitii workers as well as other Users while using the application. In the event that two or more Users have a personal conflict arising from the use of the platform, Unitii will not intervene at any time, and the Users accept and agree not to involve Unitii in such conflicts, as Unitii will have no responsibility or obligation in relation to any personal disputes arising from platform use. Furthermore, the User must always share real and truthful information within their profile as well as with other Users of the Platform, understanding that if Unitii's personnel suspects that a User has shared or posted false or misleading information, they may, at their discretion, either temporarily or permanently cancel that User’s account. The same penalty will apply to Users who behave offensively, rudely, or disrespectfully towards other Users or Unitii staff.


It is the User's responsibility to take any necessary actions or measures to protect their account. Additionally, they must not provide their login information or account details to anyone, understanding that if they do, Unitii will not be responsible for any loss their account may suffer. We assume that each login to your account is made by you and no one else. If you do not take the necessary actions and measures to keep your account secure, you accept full responsibility for anything that may happen to your account, and Unitii will not be liable for such losses. In the event that Unitii suffers a loss or damage due to your failure to keep your login information secure or if you intentionally share it, you agree to compensate for such losses or damages. If you intentionally share your login and/or account information with anyone, you assume any loss or damage that may result in your account, recognizing that in such case, Unitii will not be responsible for such consequences. You accept that if we have to delete your account based on anything established in these Terms, the Privacy Policy, or any other legal document that supports account deletion, you will bear any loss you may suffer from connections made as well as any purchases made within the application. This applies equally in case you delete your account. Additionally, if your account must be canceled as established, all Users you have been connected with will be notified of this situation so they may cease any activities they have outside of Unitii. You accept that you have no ownership over the account or its content, and we reserve the right to suspend, terminate, or delete your account and/or information.


All Industrial Property rights used on the Platform are the property of Aztek Apps, S.A. de C.V., including but not limited to trademarks, software, designs, music, and any other element protected by Industrial Property rights. Therefore, the User agrees and undertakes not to use such rights without the authorization of Aztek.


These Terms and Conditions will always be available for review on the Platform. However, they may be modified by Aztek at any time, without the need for authorization or approval from the User. Aztek will only need to notify the User of the modifications made, and it is the User's responsibility to review the modifications. By continuing to use the Platform after the modifications, the User has fully accepted them.


In case the User disagrees with the Terms and Conditions set forth here, they may send an email to ___________________ to request the cancellation of their Profile. By withdrawing their consent and proceeding with the cancellation of their profile, the User agrees that any progress, virtual coins, and/or membership will be lost, and no refund or money will be issued.


These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the United Mexican States. Any dispute arising from these terms or the use of the Platform will be resolved by the competent courts of Mexico City.

January 28, 2025.